Title | Author | Name of Journals/Books/Magazines |
Short-Term Word-Learning in a Dynamically Changing Environment | Christian Huber, Rishu Kumar, Ondrej Bojar and Alexander Waibel |
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.15404.pdf |
Audio-driven Talking Face Generation by Overcoming Unintended Information Flow | Dogucan Yaman, Fevziye Irem Eyiokur, Leonard Bärmann, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Alexander Waibel |
https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.09368 |
Code-Switching without Switching: Language Agnostic End-to-End Speech Translation | Christian Huber, Enes Yavuz Ugan, Alexander Waibel |
https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01512 |
Unsupervised Transfer Learning in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings | Carlos Mullov, Ngoc-Quan Pham, Alexander Waibel |
https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.06689 |
Super-Human Performance in Online Low-latency Recognition of Conversational Speech | Thai-Son Nguyen, Sebastian Stueker, Alex Waibel |
https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03449 |
A Computer Vision System to Help Prevent the Transmission of COVID-19 | Fevziye Irem Eyiokur, and Ekenel, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Alex Waibel |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.08773 |
Multilingual Speech Recognition | Alex Waibel, Hagen Soltau, Tanja Schultz, Thomas Schaaf, Florian Metze |
Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation, Springer Published; 2000 |
Connectionist Approaches to Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition |
H. Sawai, Y. Minami, M. Miyatake, Alex Waibel, K. Shikano |
Transactions of the IEICE, Special Issue on Continuous Speech Recognition and Understanding, Vol. E 74, No. 7; July 1991 |
Segmentation for Efficient Supervised Language Annotation with an Explicit Cost-Utility Tradeoff |
Matthias Sperber, Mirjam Simantzik, Graham Neubig, Satoshi Nakamura, Alex Waibel |
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 2, 169-180; April 2014 |
Open Source Toolkit for Speech to Text Translation | Thomas Zenkel, Matthias Sperber, Jan Niehues, Markus Müller, Ngoc-Quan Pham, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel |
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, NUMBER 11, p. 125-135; October 2018 |
Parallel Phrase Scoring for Extra-large Corpora |
Mohammed Mediani, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel |
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistic; 2012 |
Korean broadcast news transcription using morpheme-based recognition units |
Oh-Wook Kwon, Alex Waibel |
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, Volume 21, Issue 1E; 2002 |
Very large vocabulary recognition (VLVR): using prosodic and spectral filters (only Abstract published) | Alex Waibel |
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 72, Issue S1; 1982 |
Locating and correcting erroneously recognized portions of utterances by rescoring based on two n-best lists |
Alex Waibel, Arthur McNair |
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 104, Issue 4; October 1998 |
Multimodal Dialogue Processing for Machine Translation | Alex Waibel |
The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces, Volume 3, Chapter 14, Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool Publishers; June 25, 2019 |
Speech Recognition by Neural Networks |
Alex Waibel, J. Hampshire |
The 1989 Geno Summer School, Prentice-Hall; 1989 |
TAUS Speech-to-Speech Translation Report | M. Seligmann, A. Waibel, A. Joscelyne (eds.) |
TAUS Speech-to-Speech Translation Technology Report; March 2017 |
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop | A. Waibel, R. Stiefelhagen (Eds.) |
Springer; 2009 |
Stochastically-based Semantic Analysis | Wolfgang Minker, Alex Waibel, Joseph Mariani | Springer Science+Business Media New York; 1999 |
Simultaneous Translation of Lectures and Speeches |
Christian Fügen, Alex Waibel, Muntsin Kolss |
Springer Netherlands, Machine Translation, Vol. 21, No. 4, MTSN 2008, Springer, Netherland; 22. November 2008 |
Applying Divide and Conquer to Large Scale Pattern Recognition Tasks |
Jürgen Fritsch, Michael Finke |
Springer Book; 1997 |
Recent Advances in JANUS: a Speech Translation System | Alex Waibel, Monika Woszczyna |
Speech Recognition and Coding, New Advances and Trends, NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Springer Verlag, 1993 |
Integrated Phoneme and Function Word Architecture of Hidden Control Neural Networks for Continuous Speech Recognition |
B. Petek, Alex Waibel, J. Tebelskis |
Speech Communications, pp. 273-282, Vol. 11, Nos. 2-3; June 1992 |
Speaker adaptation with all-pass transforms | John McDonough, Thomas Schaaf, Alex Waibel | Speech Communication, Vol. 42, Iss. 1, pp. 75-91; January 2004 |
Language-independent and language-adaptive acoustic modeling for speech recognition | T. Schultz, A. Waibel |
Speech Communication, Vol. 35; February 2001 |
Transcribing Against Time | Matthias Sperber, Graham Neubig, Jan Niehues, Satoshi Nakamura, Alex Waibel |
Speech Communication 93C (2017) pp. 20-30; October 2017 |
Connectionist Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Special issue on Neural Networks, Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Japan); November 1990 |
Interactive Translation of Conversational Speech | Alex Waibel |
Special Issue on Interactive Natural Language Processing, IEEE Computer; July 1996 |
Comparison of Error Correction and Extraction Approaches | Stefan Constantin, and Alex Waibel |
Signals and Communication Technology (Springer) - Practical Solutions for Diverse Real-World NLP Applications |
Unconstrained face mask and face-hand interaction datasets: building a computer vision system to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 | Eyiokur, Fevziye Irem and Ekenel, Hazim Kemal and Alexander Waibel |
Signal, Image and Video Processing |
A Dialogue Approach to Learning Object Descriptions and Semantic Categories |
H. Holzapfel, D. Neubig, Alex Waibel |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56 (11), pp. 1004-1013; November 2008 |
Estimation of Verb Subcategorization Frame Frequencies Based on Syntactic and Multidimensional Statistical Analysis | Akira Ushioda, David A. Evans, Ted Gibson, Alex Waibel |
Recent Advances in Parsing Technology, H. Bunt, M. Tomita, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 241-253; 1996 |
Connectionist F-structure Transfer | Ye-Yi Wang, Alex Waibel |
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, John Benjamins Publishing Company; 1996 |
Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks |
A. Waibel, T. Hanazawa, G. Hinton, K. Shikano, K. Lang |
Readings in Speech Recognition, A. Waibel, K.F. Lee (eds.), Morgen Kaufmann Publishers, California; 1990 |
Prosodic Knowledge Sources for Word Hypothesization in a Continuous Speech Recognition System |
A. Waibel |
Readings in Speech Recognition, A. Waibel, K.F. Lee (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California; 1990 |
Consonant Recognition by Modular Construction of Large Phonemic Time-Delay Neural Networks |
A. Waibel, H. Sawami, K. Shikano |
Readings in Speech Recognition, A. Waibel, K.F. Lee (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California; 1990 |
Learned phonetic discrimination using connectionist networks |
R.L. Watrous, L. Shastri, A. Waibel |
Readings in Speech Recognition, A. Waibel, K.F. Lee (eds.), Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Mateo, California; 1990 |
Los sistemas integrales completos del habla, del lenguaje y la interfaz humana (Comprehensive basic systems for speech, language and human interfaces) | Alex Waibel |
Quark: Ciencia, medicina, comunicación y cultura, Lenguaje y Comunicación, julio-septiembre 2001, Número 21; September 2001 |
Connectionist Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Speech Recognition and Understanding. Recent Advances, Trends and Applications Vol. F 75, Springer Verlag; 1992 |
Multilinguality in Speech and Spoken Language Systems |
Alex Waibel, Petra Geutner, Laura Tomokiyo-Mayfield, Tanja Schultz, Monika Woszczyna |
Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Spoken Language Processing Volume 88(8); 2000 |
Suprasegmentals in Very large Vocabulary Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Pattern Recognition by Humans and Machines: Speech Perception, Vol. 1, Chapter 5; 1986 |
Sprachbarrieren durchbrechen: Traum oder Wirklichkeit? | Alexander Waibel |
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 122, No. 410, pp. 101-123; 2015 |
Intelligent Animated Agents for Interactive Language Training | Ron Cole, Tim Carmell, Pam Connors, Mike Macon, Johan Wouters, Jacques de Villiers, Alice Tarachow, Dominic Massaro, Michael Cohen, Jonas Beskow, Jie Yang, Uwe Meier, Alex Waibel, Pat Stone, George Fortier, Alice Davis, Chris Soland |
Newsletter ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped, Vol. 61; June 1998 |
A Time-Delay Neural Network Architecture for Isolated Word Recognition |
Kevin. J. Lang, Alex H. Waibel, Geoffrey E. Hinton |
Neural Networks, Vol. 3., Issue 1, pp. 22-42; 1990 |
Neural Network Applications to Speech |
Alex Waibel, J. Hampshire |
Neural Networks, Concepts, Applications and Applications, Vol. 1 Antognetti and Milutinovic, Editors, Prentice Hall Publishers, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; 1991 |
Speech-to-Speech Translation |
A. Waibel, S. Vogel, T. Schultz, S. Yamamoto |
Multilingual Speech processing, Schultz & Kirchoff, Elsevier Publisher; 2005 |
Readings in Speech Recognition |
K.F Lee, Alex Waibel |
Morgen Kaufmann Publishers; 1990 |
Prosody and Speech Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers; 1988 |
Challenges for Automatic Speech Recognition of Non-Native Adolescent Speech | Joshua Winebarger, Mohammed Mediani, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel |
Mickael Roy, Meryl Kusyk, Gérald Schlemminger (eds.). Digital Environments and Foreign Language Interaction: Formal and Informal Learning in Real and Virtual Worlds. Peter Lang, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-0343-2028-3; 2016 |
The Janus-III Translation System: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Domains | Lori Levin, Alon Lavie, Monik Woszczyna, Donna Gates, Marsal Gevaldà, Detlef Koll, Alex Waibel | Machine Translation, Vol. 15, pp. 3-25; 2000 |
Structured Connectionist Systems | Alex Waibel |
Machine Learning, 15, pp. 121-123; 1994 |
Can Prosody Aid the Automatic Classification of Dialog Acts in Conversational Speech? | Elizabeth Shriberg, Rebecca Bates, Paul Taylor, Andreas Stolcke, Daniel Jurafsky, Klaus Ries, Noah Coccaro, Rachel Martin, Marie Meteer, Carol Van Ess-Dykema | Language and Speech, Vol. 41, Issue 3-4, pp. 439-487 (Special Issue on Prosody and Conversation); 1998 |
Janus. A System for Translation of Conversational Speech | Alex Waibel, Alon Lavie, Lori Levin |
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), 97(4); 1997 |
Modular Construction of Time-Delay Neural Networks for Speech Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Journal for Neural Computation; 1989 |
Online handwriting recognition: the NPen++ recognizer | S. Jaeger, S. Manke, J. Reichert, A. Waibel | International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition Vol. 3, Issue 3; March 2001 |
Towards Unrestricted Lipreading |
U. Meier, Reiner Stiefelhagen, J. Yang, Alex Waibel |
International Journal of pattern Recognition and Artifical Intelligence, Vol 14, No. 5, pp 571-785; 2000 |
A Model-Based Gaze-Tracking System |
Reiner Stiefelhagen, J. Yang, Alex Waibel |
International Journal of Artifical Intelligence Tools, Vol. 2, pp 193-209; 1997 |
A Novel Greeting Selection System for a Culture-Adaptive Humanoid Robot | Gabriele Trovato, Massimiliano Zecca, Martin Do, Ömer Terlemez, Masuko Kuramochi, Alexander Waibel, Tamim Asfour, Atsuo Takanishi | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 12, No. 34, April 2015 |
A Dialogue Manager for Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction and Learning of a Humanoid Robot | Hartwig Holzapfel |
Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 35 Iss. 6 pp.528-535; 2008 |
Multiresolution face recognition | Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Bülent Sankur |
Image and Vision Computing, Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 469-477; 1 May 2005 |
A survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID-19 era | Fevziye Irem Eyiokur, Alperen Kantarcı, Mustafa Ekrem Erakın, Naser Damer, Ferda Ofli, Muhammad Imran, Janez Križaj, Albert Ali Salah, Alexander Waibel, Vitomir Štruc, Hazım Kemal Ekenel |
Image and Vision Computing |
Consolidation-Based Speech Translation and Evaluation Approach | C. Hori, B. Zhano, S. Vogel, A. Waibel, H. Kashioka, S. Nakamura |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D, No. 3, pp. 477-488; March 2009 |
Consolidation-based Speech Translation applied to Chinese-English Broadcast News domain | C. Hori, B. Zhao, S. Vogel, A. Waibel |
IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 107, No. 77, pp. 25-30; May 2007 |
A Novel Objective Function for Improved Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks |
J. Hampshire, Alex Waibel |
IEEE, Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 1, No. 2; June 1990 |
Enabling multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for the Karlsruhe Humanoid Robot | Rainer Stiefelhagen, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Christian Fügen, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Florian Kraft, Kai Nickel, Michael Voit, Alex Waibel |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.23 , No. 5; October 2007 |
The Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multi-Source Pattern Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence; 1992 |
Automatic Detection and Recognition of Signs from Natural Scenes |
X. Chen, J. Yang, J. Zhang and A. Waibel |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 87-99; January 2004 |
Far-Field Speaker Recognition | Qin Jin, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 15, No. 7; September 2007 |
Modularity and Scaling in Large Phonemic Neural Networks |
Alex Waibel, H. Sawai, K. Shikano |
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing; December 1989 |
Comparative Study of Nonlinear Time Warping Techniques in Isolated Word Speech Recognition Systems | A. Waibel, B. Yegnanarayana |
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 31, Number 6, pp. 1582-1586; December 1983 |
Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks | Alex Waibel, Toshiyuki Hanazawa, Geoffrey Hinton, Kiyohiro Shikano, Kevin J. Lang |
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 37, No. 3; March 1989 |
The Challenge of Spoken Language Systems: Research Directions for the Nineties |
Alex Waibel |
IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 3, No. 1; 1995 |
Modeling Focus of Attention for Meeting Indexing based on Multiple Cues |
Reiner Stiefelhagen, J. Yang, Alex Waibel |
IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, Vol. 13, Number 4, pp. 928-938; July 2002 |
Spoken Language Translation |
Alex Waibel and Christian Fügen |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine; May 2008 |
Research Opportunities In Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translation |
Sebastian Stüker, Teresa Herrmann, Muntsin Kolss, Jan Niehues, Matthias Wölfel |
IEEE Potentials, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp. 26-33; June 2012 |
Translating language with technology's help |
Matthias Paulik, Sebastian Stüker, Christian Fügen, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel |
IEEE Potentials, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp. 30-35; May - June 2007 |
Enabling the Rapid Development and Adoption of Speech-User Interfaces | Anuj Kumar, Florian Metze, Matthew Kam |
IEEE Computer Magazine, 46(1); January 2014 |
Time-Delay Neural Networks and NN/HMM Hybrids: A Family of Connectionist Continuous-Speech Recognition Systems |
Jürgen Fritsch, Hermann Hild, Uwe Meier, Alex Waibel |
Handbook of Neural Networks for Speech Processing, Chapter 7, Artech House; 2000 |
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop |
R. Stiefelhagen, R. Carlson, J. Casas, J. Kleindienst, L. Lamel, O. Lanz, D. Mostefa, M. Omologo, F. Pianesi, L. Polymenakos, G. Potamianos, J. Soldatos, G. Sutchet, J. Terken, A. Waibel |
Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Springer, pgs. 1071-1116; 2009 |
Multimodal Interfaces in Support of Human-Human Interaction |
Alex Waibel |
Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, pgs. 243-244; 2010 |
EU-BRIDGE final report | Sebastian Stüker, Marcello Federico, Philipp Koehn, Hermann Ney, Margit Roedder, Matt Simpson, Volker Steinbiss, Alessandro Tescari |
European Union FP7 funded project EU-BRIDGE, final project report; January 31, 2015 |
Final Evaluation Report EU-BRIDGE Bridges Across the Language Divide | Philipp Koehn, Yuqi Zhang, Christian Dugast, Juliet Gauthier, Simon Grimsey, Sarah Fuenfer, Markus Mueller, Sebastian Stüker, Volker Steinbiss |
European Union FP7 funded project EU-BRIDGE, Evaluation Report; March 2, 2015 |
A Statistical Approach to Automatic Speech Summarization | Chiori Hori, Sadaoki Furui, Rob Malkin, Hua Yu, Alex Waibel |
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2003, pp. 128-139; January 2003 |
Kalman Filters for Time Delay of Arrival-based Source Localization |
U. Klee, T. Gehrig, J. Mc Donough |
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2006; 27. March 2006 |
Automatische Analyse von Rechtschreibfähigkeit auf Basis von Speech-Processing-Technologien |
Johanna Fay, Kay Berkling, Sebastian Stüker |
Didaktik Deutsch, Halbjahresschrift für die Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Nr. 33, ISSN 1431-4355; 2012 |
Parsing with Connectionist Networks | Ajay N. Jain, Alex H. Waibel |
Current Issues in Parsing Technology, Springer Publishers, pp. 243-260; 1991 |
Integrating Different Learning Approaches into a Multilingual Spoken Language Translation System |
P. Geutner, B. Suhm, F.-D. Buø, T. Kemp, L. Mayfield, A. E. McNair, I. Rogina, T. Schultz, T. Sloboda, W. Ward, W. Woszczyna, A. Waibel |
Connectionist, Statistical, and Symbolic Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing, S. Wermter, E. Riloff, G. Scheler (eds.), Springer Publishers, pp. 117-131; 2006 |
Beyond CHIL |
Alex Waibel |
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop, Springer, pgs. 243-244; 2009 |
Integrating Knowledge Sources for the Specification of a Task-Oriented Dialogue System | Matthias Denecke, Alex Waibel |
Computer and Information Science, 4(25); 1999 |
Training speech translation from audio recordings of interpreter-mediated communication | Matthias Paulik, Alex Waibel |
Computer Speech and Language 27; 2013 |
Stochastically-based semantic analysis für machine translation | Wolfgang Minder, Marsal Gavaldà, Alex Waibel |
Computer Speech & Language, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 117-194; April 1999 |
Multimodal Interfaces for Multimedia Information Agents | Alex Waibel, Bernhard Suhm, Minh Tue Vo, Jie Yang |
Computational Models of Speech Pattern Processing, Vol. 169 of the series NATO ASI Series, Keith Pointing, ed., Springer Publishers, pp. 431-439; 1999 |
Interactive Translation of Conversational Speech | Alex Waibel |
Computational Models of Speech Pattern Processing, Vol. 169 of the series NATO ASI Series, K. Pointing, ed., Springer Publishers, pp. 389-403; 1999 |
Dialogue Act Modeling for Automatic Tagging and Recognition of Conversational Speech | Andreas Stolcke, Klaus Ries, Noah Coccaro, Elizabeth Shriberg, Rebecca Bates, Daniel Jurafsky, Paul Taylor, Rachel Martin, Marie Meteer, Carol Van Ess-Dykema | Computational Linguistics, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 339-371; 2000 |
Beyond HCI: Multimodal Manipulation of Multimedia Information | Yie Yang, Alex Waibel |
Chinese Journal of Computers, 23; 2000 |
Vocal tract length normalization for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition | Puming Zhan, Alex Waibel |
Computer-Supported Human-Human Multilingual Communication |
Alex Waibel, Keni Bernardin, Matthias Wölfel |
Book, 50 years of artificial intelligence, pages 271-287, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg; 27. August 2007 |
The Current State of Summarization | Fabian Retkowski |
Beyond Quantity. Research with Subsymbolic AI, 1 edition, pages 291– 312. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany. |
Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks | A. Waibel, T. Hanazawa, G. Hinton, K. Shikano, K. Lang |
Back-Propagation: Theory, Architectures and Applications, Y. Chauvin and D. Rumelhart (eds.); 1995 |
Building Blocks for Speech |
J. Hampshire, Alex Waibel |
BYTE Magazine; August 1989 |
Machine Learning |
B. Buchanan, G. DeJong, T. Diettrich, T. Mitchell, P. Rosenblum, Alex Waibel |
Annual review of Computer Science, pgs. 417-434; 1990 |
Neural Networks Approaches for Speech Recognition |
Alex Waibel |
Advances in Speech Signal Processing, Furui, S. and Sondhi, M. (editors), Chapter 4, Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1991 |
Continuous Speech Recognition by Linked Predictive Neural Networks | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 1991 |
Connected Letter Recognition with a Multi-State Time Delay Network |
H. Hild, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1993 |
JANUS: Speech-to-Speech Translation Using Connectionist and Non-Connectionist Techniques | A. Waibel, A. Jain, A. McNair, J. Tebelskis, A. Hauptmann, H. Saito |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1992 |
Multi-State Time Delay Neural Networks for Continuous Speech Recognition |
P. Haffner, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1992 |
The Tempo 2 Algorithm: Adjusting Time-Delays by Supervised Learning |
U. Bodenhausen, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1991 |
Incremental Parsing by Modular Recurrent Connectionist Networks |
A. Jain, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1990 |
Connectionist Architectures for Multi-Speaker Phoneme Recognition |
J. Hampshire, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann; 1990 |
The Use of Dynamic Writing Information in a Connectionist On-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition System |
S. Manke, M. Finke, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, G. Tesauro, D. Touretzky, J. Alspector (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, S.F. (CA); 1995 |
Consonant Recognition by Modular Construction of Large Phonemic Time-Delay Neural Networks | Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1 (NIPS 1988) | Proceedings from the conference, "Neural Information Processing Systems 1988."; 1988 |
Performance through Consistency: MS-TDNN´s for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition |
Joe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel |
Advances in Neural Information Processing System, Morgan Kaufmann; 1993 |
Multimodal Interfaces |
Alex Waibel, M. Vo, P. Duchnowski, S. Manke |
AI Review Journal, book 145-165, pages 299-319; 1996 |
Multimodal Error Correction for Speech User Interfaces | Bernhard Suhm, Brad Myers, Alex Waibel |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 60-98; March 2001 |
Extracting Named Entity Translingual Equivalence with Limited Resources | Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel |
ACM Transactions on Asian Information Processing (TALIP), Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 124-129; June 2003 |
2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU) |
What is DARPA? How to Design Successful Technology Disruption | Alex Waibel |