On October 19, 2012, InterACT director and Computer Science Professor Alex Waibel delivered a keynote address to the delegates of the European Parliament and to a conference of invited Presidents from European and non-European Universities on the subject of simultaneous interpretation by machine. His lecture entitled "Simultaneous Machine Interpretation - Utopia?" was translated automatically by the team's lecture translation computer system into Spanish. It was at the same time also interpreted by the European Parliament's human simultaneous interpreters into 24 languages of the European Community. The lecture was delivered as part of a Rectors Conference organized by the European Directorate General for Interpretation and Conferences (further information, official page of the European Parliament).
Disclaimer: The interpretation does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings.
The simultaneous interpretation of debates provided by the European Parliament serves only to facilitate communication amongst the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings.
Only the original speech or the revised written translation of that speech is authentic.
Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the revised written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the revised written translation) takes precedence.
Unless expressly authorised by the European Parliament, the use of the recorded interpretation for any purpose other than that mentioned above is strictly prohibited.
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