Key Notes & Lectures
Keynotes and Panels
October 2019 | Keynote by Alex Waibel “Connecting Humans with Humans: Multimodal, Multilingual, Multiparty Mediation” – Shanghai, China |
September 2019 | Keynote by Alex Waibel “Honorary Colloquium NAIST” @ NAIST – Nara, Japan |
May 2019 | Alex Waibel in Jury @ “Hacktival” @ Hack und Söhne – Karlsruhe, Germany |
May 2019 | Panelist: Alex Waibel “Vision, Chances and Riscs of AI” @ KIT Annual Celebration – KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, |
November 2018 | Panelist Alex Waibel “Artificial Intelligence” @ Spiegel Futura Conference – Hamburg, Germany |
September. 5, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Where Mind and Matter meet“ @ Robotics AI Symposium, French Academy of Science – Leopoldina, Paris, France |
June 19, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Intelligent Systems and a Language Transparent World“ @ SAP-ReThink, Next Generation Open Lecture – SAP Walldorf, Germany |
June 15, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Machine Intelligence and a Language Transparent World“ @ ARTE Masterclass, Künstliche Intelligenz, Theorien und Techniken, Algorithmen und Anwendungen, ARTE – Strasbourg, France |
May 19, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel @ GAITC, The Global Articial Intelligence Technology Conference – Peking, China |
May 15, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „M3 Dialogs - Multimodal, Multilingual, Multiparty“ @ IWSDS, International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology – Singapore, Singapore |
May 07, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Toward a Language Transparent World“ @ JIAMCATT, International Annual Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Technology – Geneva, Switzerland |
March 22, 2018 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Intelligent Systems breaking the Language Barrier“ @ Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Leopoldina, Halle, Germany |
November 17, 2017 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „A world without language barriers“ @ Translating and the Computer Conference, The International Association for Advancement in Language Technology – London, United Kingdom |
November 13, 2017 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „A language transparent society“ @ Meta - Multilingual European Technology Allicance - Forum – Brussels, Belgium |
October 19, 2017 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „Multilingual and Multimodal Assistants and Mediators“ @ HAI - Human Agent Interaction – Bielefeld University Bielefeld, Germany |
September 15-16, 2017 | Keynote by Alex Waibel @ AI-School 2017 – Rome, Italy |
May 26, 2017 | Keynote by Alex Waibel @ German Student Foundation Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Cusanuswerk – Göttingen, Germany |
October 26, 2016 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „The use of MT at Universities“ @ ELRC Conference - 2nd ELRC Conference – Brussels, Belgium |
May 20-22, 2016 | Keynote by Alex Waibel @ 47th Symposium on Robotics ISR 2016 – Munich, Germany |
October 26, 2016 | Keynote by Alex Waibel „The use of MT at Universities“ @ ELRC Conference - 2nd ELRC Conference – Brussels, Belgium |
June 18, 2012 | Interview with Alex Waibel @ LT Innovate-Summit 2012, Brussels, Belgium interview here |
Intelligent Systems Breaking the Language Barrier
- March 22, 2018, Lecture by Prof Alex Waibel on “Intelligent Systems Breaking the Language Barrier” @ Symposium Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, by Leopoldina
Presentation of the Lecture Translator
- January 12, 2018, Presentation by Prof Alex Waibel of automatic simultaneous lecture translation system @ European Parliament Administrative Innovation Day @ European Parlament, Brussels, Belgium
- 18. - 19. Oct 2012, Presentation by Prof. Alex Waibel of the systems and functions of the Lecture-Translator, as well as discussing the future of interpretation @ Second Rectors Conference @ the EU - Parlament, Brussel, Belgium, video of the talk here
CLICS- Distinguished Lectures:
Oct. 05, 2018, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "New Advances in Speech Translation" @ Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsilvania, USA
Aug. 23, 2018, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "What is Research?" @ Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
April 24, 2018, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "Neural Models for Speech Translation" @ CMU, Pittsburgh, USA
December 8, 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "Breaking the Language Barrier“ @ HKUST, Hong Kong
October 23, 2017, Lecture by Dr. Lukas Kaul, "Humanoid Robotics Research at H2T“ @ Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
October 7, 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "New advances in Speech Translation“@ Carnegie Mellon University, 407 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh, USA
June 10, 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "Multilingual and Multimodal Assistants” @ HKUST, Hong Kong
May 23, 2017, Lecture by Dr. Sebastian Stüker "BULB - Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrier” @ Carnegie Mellon University, 407 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh, USA
January, 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "New Advances in Speech Technologies“ @ Carnegie Mellon University, 407 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh, USA
October 12, 2016, Lecture by Dr. Jan Niehues, "Pre-Translation for Neural Machine Translation Combining NMT and SMT” @ Carnegie Mellon University, 407 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh, USA
December 22, 2016, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "Breaking down Language Barriers” @ Nara Institute of Technology, Japan
Feb 11, 2016, Lecture by Dr. Graham Neubig, "Natural Language Models for Low-Latency Simultaneous Speech Translation” @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Building 50.20, Room 148, Karlsruhe, Germany
October 23, 2015, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "A world without Language Barriers” @ Carnegie Mellon University, Rashid Auditorium, Gates and Hillman Centers, Room 4401, Pittsburgh, USA
June 09, 2015, Lecture by Dr. Florian Metze, "The Speech Kitchen – CMU's software to implement lab courses into MOOCs" @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Building 50.20, Room 223, Karlsruhe, Germany
The next generation internet - a key priority of the future
- June 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel @ the Digital Assembly ∂ Digital Europe: Investment in the Future, Malta
R2D2 for everybody
- April 21, 2018, Lecture by Dr. Sebastian Stüker at "Goethe Institut Warschau presenting new technologies in automatic speech recognition and machine translation
Translation Technology Webinar (TAUS)
- Feb. 01, 2017, Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, Speech to Speech Translation
Building Bridges - Breaking Barriers
- July 14 & 15, 2016 Symposium, Baden-Baden, July 14 & 15, 2016, see program on and videos of the talks
Breaking the Language Barrier
- Invited Talk by Prof. Dr. Alex Waibel, "Breaking the Language Barrier: Utopia or Reality?" @ Annual Meeting of Leopoldina
The article (published in Nova Acta Leopoldina) in German... - Oct. 11, 2012, Lecture and guest talk by Alex Waibel, @ ShanghAI-Lectures, Shanghai, China
Follow the lecture and the simulteneous translation by machine via the live stream: Lecture "Breaking the Language Barrier" - December 2011, Lecture by Alex Waibel, "Breaking the Language Barrier" (Session 4) @ Tralogy 2011, CMU , Silicon Valley, California, USA
University without Language Barriers
June 11, 2012, First Simultaneous Translation of University Lectures @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany:
- KIT-President Horst Hippler: Übersetzungsservice, die Bedeutung für das KIT
- Prof. Alex Waibel: Simultanübersetzung durch Maschinen: Vom Traum zum tatsächlichen Dienst
- Prof. Alex Waibel: Computer Supported Human-Human Multilingual Communication
- Panel Discussion
- Interview Prof. Alex Waibel
- Interview Karl Karnadi, KIT-Student aus Indonesien